Katoomba Remedial Massage
Upper Blue Mountains Mobile Massage
Charmaine Sully - Remedial Massage Therapist
Diploma of Remedial Massage (HLT50307) at TAFE Katoomba, 2013
I am a member of the industry body Massage and Myotherapy Australia (Formerly AAMT)
Membership requires appropriate qualifications, up to date CPR and First Aid training, continuing education and compliance with professional association standards.
Introduction to Remedial Massage
Hello and welcome.
I think massage can be so much more than just a personal self indulgence, I think it can be life changing. This sounds a big claim, but getting less headaches, being able to move more freely, sleeping better at night, and having less pain are gains that remedial massage can bring about.
​For myself I get less Tension Type Headaches, I still get them but I now know how to treat them. I learnt a little about Alexander Technique and Tai Chi some time ago, but it wasn't until I got a more in depth knowledge of the body and movement, through studying Remedial Massage, that I was really able to get on top of tight shoulders and headaches. Remedial Massage techniques like Trigger Point Therapy, Skin Rolling and passive stretching, allow unlocking of tight areas of muscle to provide instant relief. Body awareness helps to avoid getting the muscles tight in the first place.
Feeling stressed can cause a little of muscle tightness, but simply relaxing won't necessarily bring tight muscles back to a comfortable state, otherwise everyone would wake up in the morning feeling supple and pain free. Feeling stressed also makes us more aware of muscle restrictions and pain, possibly because it's yet another problem on top of all the other problems we have, and we are often concerned about what is causing this pain . When we are stressed we are more likely to default to comfy postural positions, even if this position is leading to the pain pattern. Changing to a different default posture seems too taxing, and we don't have time to try them. When your a bit less stressed, it's good to try to make a good ergonomic set up for your activities, including always working on a computer at a desk, with wrist support, an eye level monitor, and a good chair.
The principle of Alexander Technique is that habits feels right and comfortable, while new habits feel tiring and difficult. It takes time to develop good habits because we are naturally reluctant to change.
Each remedial massage I give is based on my understanding of the common muscle restriction patterns, and what problem areas I find with each person. I often ask about dominant hand, bag carrying, mouse use and sleep position, all common things which can relate to a pattern of tightness.
This type of massage requires feedback from those receiving the massage, as I need to know if I am finding the right spots and if the pain is a good pain or too much. If you would rather a massage without interaction, it's best to ask for a Swedish style massage, this is a more general massage where the emphasis is on relaxation and no trigger point therapy is done.
In regard to music, your welcome to play your own music. I don't bring music to play as everyone's taste in music is very different.
Finally, please always get off the massage table very slowly, this is good for you and good for the massage table. Best way is to drop one leg over the side and then slide off. Getting up quickly can make you dizzy or make the massage table unsteady.
0451 502 298

Image by Wesley Walker (copyright 2014)